The guy share his poetry that he made on Palestine (Main Falasteen Hoon), if you have heart and soft corner for humanity then you would share and like this this video.Watch video of Main Falasteen Hoon - Tribute to Palestine Gaza Muslims submitted by Jazz on Sep 03, 2014. This video of Main Falasteen Hoon - Tribute to Palestine Gaza Muslims has total 8977 (eight thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven) Views on Main Falasteen Hoon - Tribute to Palestine Gaza Muslims.
Jazz  |  Sep 03, 2014  |  8977 Views
Allah Tallah hamry muslim countries par apni rahmat kary.....Allah tallah sy dua ha ky kashmir or Falasteen par apni rahmet kary ...... smjny waloon ky ly is sy achy alfaaz or ho hii nh skty .....
mashaallah baht khoob hakeekat ko bayan kea hai
boht khobsurt nazm ha dilon ko ghinjorny waly