Mujhay Dushman Ke Bachon Ko Parhana Hai New ISPR Song for APS P..

It has been an year but we are unable to forget the worst ever terrorist attack that has shocked the entire country. The pain of 144 victims of APS incident is beyond words. It was not just 144 victims but it was 144 families, and their dreams that were brutally killed in that incident.
On the eve of first anniversary of APS incident, ISPR released a song "Mujhy Dushman Ke Bachon Ko Parhana Hai" to pay tribute to the brave martyred school children of Army public school, and brave parents of the victims. The song is produced to pay homage to the spirit of bravery, patriotism and courage of the young innocent children who gave their lives in one of the worst and horrible terrorist attack in the history of Pakistan. The song narrates that we should educate the children of our enemies rather than weponizing them to spread terror. You can listen to the APS New song "Mujhy Dushman Ke Bachon Ko Parhana Hai" online on this page. Listen and dedicate this patriotic song to your fellow Pakistanis.

Watch video of Mujhay Dushman Ke Bachon Ko Parhana Hai New ISPR Song for APS P.. submitted by saima30 on Dec 13, 2015. This video of Mujhay Dushman Ke Bachon Ko Parhana Hai New ISPR Song for APS P.. has total 26977 (twenty-six thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven) Views on Mujhay Dushman Ke Bachon Ko Parhana Hai New ISPR Song for APS P...

Category: Miscellaneous

saima30  |  Dec 13, 2015  |  26977 Views

Latest Reviews & Comments

We never forget the martyrdom of APS Attacked 2014, on the second anniversary of this attack we make proud to Pak Army and other forces because they did great sacrifices to get rid from all the terrorist activities.

  • By Yahya, Form isl
  • On 15 Dec, 2016

it nice

  • By saif, Form timergara
  • On 16 Dec, 2015