Muslims fasting 22 hours in Iceland

Muslims fasting 22 hours in Iceland
Watch video of Muslims fasting 22 hours in Iceland submitted by Nida Khan on Jul 17, 2014. This video of Muslims fasting 22 hours in Iceland has total 7401 (seven thousand four hundred and one) Views on Muslims fasting 22 hours in Iceland.

Category: Miscellaneous

Nida Khan  |  Jul 17, 2014  |  7401 Views

Latest Reviews & Comments

SAUM mentioned in QURAAN is not about the Ritual of Fasting.Quraan is a book of hidaya,guidance for whole humanity and not for a particular segment of humanity.The word SAUM has been used in Quraan 5 times as punishment or compensation of ommission and not as a ritual.At one place its used as an exercise to foster inner strength of Resistance against the Human Desires,Greed, Evils by denying this urge that dominates the spirit of Dedication,Honesty ,will to serve Humanity,and call of Duty.

  • By sikander hayat, Form karachi,Pakistan
  • On 20 Jul, 2014

Maulana Maudoodi had tackled this issue in early fifties of last century. It is to decided on three basics i.e the spirit of fasting, average fasting time in the world / logic and lastly ijtehad by the learned scholars of Islam. We Muslims tend to make our lives difficult because of over zealousness (though without amal) rather than dictates of Islam.

  • By Ahmad Manzer, Form Karachi
  • On 18 Jul, 2014