This is the time to fulfill our destiny by contributing our best, united.Not as individual identities but we will rise as a nation.Towards a better state, the envisioned land..A Naya Pakistan... InshAllah!Vocals: - Intro Junaid Jamshed & Salman AhmadLyrics: - Aania Shah & Salman AhmadComposition: - Salman Ahmad, Shahi Hasan, Nusrat Hussain & Junaid JamshedGuitars: - Salman AhmadBass: - Shahi HasanKeyboards & precussions: - Nusrat HussainBacking Vocals: - Nusrat Hussain. Aania Shah. Sherjan Ahmad. Imraan Eelloo Ahmad.Produced Arranged Mixed Mastered By Shahi Hasan @ Indus World Music (IWM) Studios. Photography: - Aania Shah StudioWatch video of Naya Pakistan Full Mp3 Song By Junaid, Salman, Nusrat and Shahi submitted by Faraz on Feb 22, 2013. This video of Naya Pakistan Full Mp3 Song By Junaid, Salman, Nusrat and Shahi has total 29436 (twenty-nine thousand four hundred and thirty-six) Views on Naya Pakistan Full Mp3 Song By Junaid, Salman, Nusrat and Shahi.
Faraz  |  Feb 22, 2013  |  29436 Views
mehnat her taali ki chabhe hai mehnat mein azmat hai good luck pakistan
g yes ham sab mil kr naya pakistan bana saktay hain
Inshallah naya pakistan bane ga islam ka gehwara oor ALLAH or Rasool Sallallaho alaihi wasalm ke ehkamat zinda honge