Reema does not usually get involved in fashion shows but recently she participated in a fashion week in Lahore show casing the designs of some prominent designers. One of Reema’s shoes’ heel broke while she was on the ramp, instead of getting confused Reema showed how confident she is by continuing the catwalk as if nothing had happened. Waving the shoe in the air was taking it too far though! This incident also makes one wonder how many times that particular pair of shoes must have been worn by different models already.Watch video of Reema Shoe broken on the Ramp submitted by shahzaib on Oct 11, 2013. This video of Reema Shoe broken on the Ramp has total 7517 (seven thousand five hundred and seventeen) Views on Reema Shoe broken on the Ramp.
shahzaib  |  Oct 11, 2013  |  7517 Views