Service Lane at main Shahrah-e-Faisal

This is the service lane of main shahrah-e-faisal and in the video you can see there are cars parked on the both sides of the lane and the best part is that road of this service lane is quite damaged.

This is the most busy service lane in karachi because everybody knows that if you want to go on the opposite road there are 2 ways 1st one is the Tipu Sultan and the other one is Regent Plaza so you can imagine the difference between Tipu Sultan and Regent Plaza.

Anyways I would like to say that Jamshed Town Officials should think about it because I am the resident of this area and am facing this issue almost from 3 years.
Watch video of Service Lane at main Shahrah-e-Faisal submitted by JS on Mar 21, 2009. This video of Service Lane at main Shahrah-e-Faisal has total 5320 (five thousand three hundred and twenty) Views on Service Lane at main Shahrah-e-Faisal.

Category: Miscellaneous

JS  |  Mar 21, 2009  |  5320 Views

Latest Reviews & Comments

Yeh to kuch ghanimat hai. Aisha Bawany se taj mehal hotel tak dekhain. kaisa mulk ke thaikedar qabza kiae baithe hein aur rozanan traffic jam me lakhon log peraishan hotai hein

  • By asim, Form karachi
  • On 10 Apr, 2009

Traffic Police kahin side main khari kisi motercycle walay ka chalan karrahi hogi

  • By Aamir Rafiq, Form Karachi
  • On 01 Apr, 2009


Service LaneShahrah-e-FaisalKarachiTraffic Issue