Story of 65 Years You will regret to ignore itWatch video of Story of 65 Years You will regret to ignore it submitted by Jazz on Aug 12, 2013. This video of Story of 65 Years You will regret to ignore it has total 1801 (one thousand eight hundred and one) Views on Story of 65 Years You will regret to ignore it.
Jazz  |  Aug 12, 2013  |  1801 Views
a meray watan a meray watan pakistan tujh ko sambhalna hay hum ko itna asan agar ho jaey pori qom dil o jan say yakjan a meray watan a meray watan pakistan kitna armano or qurnanio k badal to humara hay maan khabar dar agar kisi ki is ko laan taan to khatro may par jaeey gee us ki jan nam hay mera salman