Subhan Allah - Flower Blooming on Azan VoiceWatch video of Subhan Allah - Flower Blooming on Azan Voice submitted by Faraz on Apr 26, 2013. This video of Subhan Allah - Flower Blooming on Azan Voice has total 4988 (four thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight) Views on Subhan Allah - Flower Blooming on Azan Voice.
Faraz  |  Apr 26, 2013  |  4988 Views
Azan Flower a CNN report. ---------------------------- Islam is not the ownership of Muslims only, Last revelation in the shape of Qura'an, a message to entire human being. It is a Universal DEEN (Way of Life), Calling Azan a call to gather and bow down , recharge battery, admonish for wrong doing between the period of prayers(Namaz/Salath). It is loudly called that Allah is "Super Power" Allah is Great, It is called that Muhammad S.A.Wassallam is his Messenger, The Azan Flower which I haven't seen but do believe that CNN telecast the report, the reliability goes to CNN, Allah is no doubt Greatest, Our Lord, Our Protector , neither sleep nor nap, No wear and tear in his power, Our Lord is looking after entire universe ALONE. We must obey last revelation (That is Qura'an) and bring peace, tranquility on earth, Allah o Akbar (Allah is the Greatest)
subhan allah very amzing.