MavenApt is a channel run by Muhammad Ali, who usually provide audiences with IT tutorials. However, the team has experimented. They have produced their first short film and we hope to see many more such exhibits from them in the near future.The short film Cache, follows the story of three friends who take different turns on the path of life. The plot revolves around familiar themes of greed, loyalty and ambition.The film highlights the underlying corruption in society and has an appealing take on society. The film makers have managed to provide clear direction and effects The acting, unfortunately, came off as amateurish and ill-prepared. Nonetheless, the video is certainly worth a watch.Watch video of Urdu Short Film - Cache - submitted by Muhammad Ali on Mar 18, 2011. This video of Urdu Short Film - Cache - has total 6317 (six thousand three hundred and seventeen) Views on Urdu Short Film - Cache -.
Muhammad Ali  |  Mar 18, 2011  |  6317 Views
but let make story to save a life not to finish enocent people.. ..
Nice koshish .
good efforts. keep it up boys