Shah-e-Madina Naat by Nusrullah Khan Noori Watch video of Shah-e-Madina Naat by Nusrullah Khan Noori submitted by shahzaib on Nov 07, 2012. This video of Shah-e-Madina Naat by Nusrullah Khan Noori has total 16018 (sixteen thousand and eighteen) Views on Shah-e-Madina Naat by Nusrullah Khan Noori .
shahzaib  |  Nov 07, 2012  |  16018 Views
I like this Naat how can I download it in my iPod please tell me.
Many of the peoples are recite this Naat but I think this is the original version of this naat, I will download it.
Nice naat
SubHan allah bht Piyari nat hai