Watch video of News Beat 17th April 2015 by Paras Khursheed on Friday at Samaa.. submitted by Jazz on Apr 17, 2015. This video of News Beat 17th April 2015 by Paras Khursheed on Friday at Samaa.. has total 1894 (one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four) Views on News Beat 17th April 2015 by Paras Khursheed on Friday at Samaa...
Jazz  |  Apr 17, 2015  |  1894 Views
In the rating this show by paras khurshid in samaa news channel is in the top rating which because paras khrshid is the most senior anchor and she never panic any time while asking any sorts of question with the politician.
Paras khursheed is the top most journalist in the list of lady anchor person, I watch every shows of her. She ask very frequent questions.