Watch video of News Beat 22nd June 2014 by Paras Khursheed on Sunday at Samaa .. submitted by Afshan on Jun 22, 2014. This video of News Beat 22nd June 2014 by Paras Khursheed on Sunday at Samaa .. has total 6002 (six thousand and two) Views on News Beat 22nd June 2014 by Paras Khursheed on Sunday at Samaa ...
Afshan  |  Jun 22, 2014  |  6002 Views
Hats off to Pakistan electronic media, the way the whole episode was covered in Lahore would make CNN proud.This has been proved beyond reasonable doubt that Shabaz Shareef is a muderous thug. Now, we have to put Sukhera,IG of Punjab police under microscope. It is apparent that the lasi IG Punjab police did not agree to carry out shabaz Shareef wa unceremoniously removed. SUKHER the present IG of Punjab Police is Shimar in Police uniform. He is Jalad e Ala. He need to be brought down to earth.
ajkl paras khorshid hokomat ki tarfdari zeada kar rahi han kher to ha kea koch mil gaea ha kea in ko
they are all bullshit peoples sitting and arguing..inside and outside of the Govt.