Watch video of News Beat 4th July 2014 by Paras Khursheed on Friday at Samaa N.. submitted by Hina Javad on Jul 05, 2014. This video of News Beat 4th July 2014 by Paras Khursheed on Friday at Samaa N.. has total 2418 (two thousand four hundred and eighteen) Views on News Beat 4th July 2014 by Paras Khursheed on Friday at Samaa N...
Hina Javad  |  Jul 05, 2014  |  2418 Views
Paras, I just saw your 4th of July program.You are a wonderful and intelligent person.Nice presenter of a political forum. However, you need to stop when guests are resorted to personal attacks and talking over each other.I would suggest to have control over guests them off and able speakers microphone and cut them off if they cross that thin line of courtesy and behavior. Keep up the good work. I am really impressed by your style of presenting your program.