Watch video of News Hour 31st July 2014 by Osama Ghazi on Thursday at Samaa News submitted by shahzaib on Aug 01, 2014. This video of News Hour 31st July 2014 by Osama Ghazi on Thursday at Samaa News has total 3023 (three thousand and twenty-three) Views on News Hour 31st July 2014 by Osama Ghazi on Thursday at Samaa News.
shahzaib  |  Aug 01, 2014  |  3023 Views
In your program, Tahir Asharfi interview was just a "Tabbara". He was extremely negative in his approach and had a lack of manners how to speak. His interview was full of allegations against Dr. Tahir ul Qadri which clearly shows that he is jealous of and hates Dr. Qadri. A listner was unable to understand what he wanted to convey. He was burning and was about to blast. From the words he uttered in his inerview, one can well imagined what a shallow scholars we have in our society and where they are heading the nation. His criticism was just a blamegame. In case we are serous in building our nation, we must have healthy criticism. I am very much disappointed from his interview and request you not to call such a stupid moulvis who are just poisioning our society. Best regards