Gunahon Ki Adat Chura Meray Moula - Hafiz Nisar Ahmed Marfani NaatWatch video of Gunahon Ki Adat Chura Meray Moula - Hafiz Nisar Ahmed Marfani N.. submitted by shahzaib on Jun 26, 2013. This video of Gunahon Ki Adat Chura Meray Moula - Hafiz Nisar Ahmed Marfani N.. has total 15243 (fifteen thousand two hundred and forty-three) Views on Gunahon Ki Adat Chura Meray Moula - Hafiz Nisar Ahmed Marfani N...
shahzaib  |  Jun 26, 2013  |  15243 Views
very nice
Very Nice and Beautiful Naat
mashallah shubhanallah allhamdulillah allahuakbar jazakallah