Watch video of Nuqta e Nazar 19th June 2014 by Mujeeb Ur Rehman Shami on Thurs.. submitted by Babar on Jun 19, 2014. This video of Nuqta e Nazar 19th June 2014 by Mujeeb Ur Rehman Shami on Thurs.. has total 2881 (two thousand eight hundred and eighty-one) Views on Nuqta e Nazar 19th June 2014 by Mujeeb Ur Rehman Shami on Thurs...
Babar  |  Jun 19, 2014  |  2881 Views
This dude Mujeebur Rehman is heck of boring guy.He tells us what we know already. This guy need to go. I think Afta Gul a former Test cricketer of Pakistan will bring some excitement to the program. Shami Go on an Indian channel and bore them to death.