Aashiqo Wird Karo Sallay Alaa Aaj Ki Raat - Alhaj Owais Raza Qadri NaatWatch video of Aashiqo Wird Karo Sallay Alaa Aaj Ki Raat - Alhaj Owais Raza Qa.. submitted by Jazz on Mar 15, 2013. This video of Aashiqo Wird Karo Sallay Alaa Aaj Ki Raat - Alhaj Owais Raza Qa.. has total 15010 (fifteen thousand and ten) Views on Aashiqo Wird Karo Sallay Alaa Aaj Ki Raat - Alhaj Owais Raza Qa...
Jazz  |  Mar 15, 2013  |  15010 Views
There is a heart touching feelings in the every naat by Owais Raza Qadri, i know his voice is not much good but his accent and determination make it perfect.
I want to naat download