Aye Sabz Gumbad Wale - Owais Raza QadriWatch video of Aye Sabz Gumbad Wale - Owais Raza Qadri submitted by Jazz on Nov 07, 2012. This video of Aye Sabz Gumbad Wale - Owais Raza Qadri has total 55247 (fifty-five thousand two hundred and forty-seven) Views on Aye Sabz Gumbad Wale - Owais Raza Qadri.
Jazz  |  Nov 07, 2012  |  55247 Views
SUBHANNALLAH very inspiring and heart touching ALLAHPAK ham sabz gumbad ka didar kerny ki tofeeq atta kry aaaaameeen .ALLAH ham sab muslims ko right way p chalny k tofeeq day ameen
I want some new naat by owais raza qadri but i still listen all the old naats which were recited by some one, he recite all these naats in new style.
I also want to visit Madina to watch the most beautiful Sabz Gumbad. May Allah accept my dua in the upcoming ramazan. This naat of Owais raza qadri is very heart touching.