This is the video of AFRIDI Cattle Farm 2014 in Karachi Sohrab Goth Cow Mandi 2014 where the cow starts to Run just after landing from the truck, she was scared of people and crowed over there. Get more Cow Manid Images and videos on video of AFRIDI Cattle Farm 2014 Cow Run Away submitted by Jazz on Sep 09, 2014. This video of AFRIDI Cattle Farm 2014 Cow Run Away has total 29099 (twenty-nine thousand and ninety-nine) Views on AFRIDI Cattle Farm 2014 Cow Run Away.
Jazz  |  Sep 09, 2014  |  29099 Views
Hahahaha thank Got they hold the cow other wise the cow was soo strong she could run away
I also want to share my cow running video but my cow does not belongs to any farm like Afridi Cattle Farm my cow is local
Where is shahid afridi now a days i would like to see shahid afridi video with his bull i think he also buys cows from his own shahid afridi cattle farm
Afridi is my favorite cricket player so i will buy a cow from Afridi Cattle Farm 2014 so that i can help him indirectly