Aye Nigar e Watan Tu Salamat Rahay - Milli Naghma Habib Wali MuahammadWatch video of Aye Nigar e Watan Tu Salamat Rahay - Milli Naghma Habib Wali Mu.. submitted by Afshan on Aug 13, 2013. This video of Aye Nigar e Watan Tu Salamat Rahay - Milli Naghma Habib Wali Mu.. has total 19957 (nineteen thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven) Views on Aye Nigar e Watan Tu Salamat Rahay - Milli Naghma Habib Wali Mu...
Afshan  |  Aug 13, 2013  |  19957 Views
Ah the memories revived from this song! I dont have words to express the love and patriotism i feel after listening to this one. Pakistan zindabad and happy independence day to all Pakistanis. May Allah bless Pakistan always
mera pakistan pyara Pakistan
We all pray for our pakistan for its long life. Now a days we face many difficulties in various fields such as terrorism is a big problem.
infact this is a most emotional song,whenever i heard i got emotional for my country,may Allah keep our country safe and peacefull