Bara Dushman Bana Phirta Hai - Bravery and courage is the hallmark of Pakistanis. We have been a victim of terrorism since past decade, we have been labeled as ‘terrorists’ by some sources, but the fact is that we have been fighting with terrorism with courage, valor and bravery like no other nation.In the history of Pakistan, 16th December will always be a dark day as it marks the Peshawar School Massacre where 145 people lost their lives most of them were young innocent school children. This song Bara Dushman Bana Phirta Hai is released by Pakistan’s Armed Forces officials to pay the tribute to martyred APS children. We can never forget the sacrifice of those APS children who lost their lives in this massacre. They will always be in our hearts as the youngest martyrs and heroes. This song conveys very strong message to people that bullets can’t shatter our dreams. The lyrics of this soulful song will make you cry and as well encourages you to fight against our enemies. You can watch the whole video of Bara Dushman Bana Phirta Hai available online on HamariWeb. You can share and dedicate this heart touching song to your family and friends through various social networking sites. You can also give your opinions and feedbacks about the video and its contents online by reviewing on our Comment Box listed on this page. Watch video of Bara Dushman Bana Phirta Hai - A Tribute to Peshawar School Victims Submitted by Imran on Jan 12, 2015. This video of Bara Dushman Bana Phirta Hai - A Tribute to Peshawar School Vic.. Has total 19370 (nineteen thousand three hundred and seventy) Views on Bara Dushman Bana Phirta Hai - A Tribute to Peshawar School VictimsWatch video of Bara Dushman Bana Phirta Hai - A Tribute to Peshawar School Vic.. submitted by Imran on Jan 12, 2015. This video of Bara Dushman Bana Phirta Hai - A Tribute to Peshawar School Vic.. has total 29072 (twenty-nine thousand and seventy-two) Views on Bara Dushman Bana Phirta Hai - A Tribute to Peshawar School Vic...
Imran  |  Jan 12, 2015  |  29072 Views
We never forget the martyrdom of APS Attacked 2014, on the second anniversary of this attack we make proud to Pak Army and other forces because they did great sacrifices to get rid from all the terrorist activities.
Such a great tribute for the martyrdom of APS but if we fight together with unity and patience for the terrorism till the end of it.
Khafa na Hona Maa, Ghar se Nikla tha Ilm Hasil kerny Ferishton k paron pe Chalty chalty, Allah Tak Pohanch Gaya..! From Students Of Peshawar....
I also give the tribute to all the victims in peshawar attack, I think fighting the enemies till the end is a great tribute of the martyrdom.