Captain Kaleem and Sipahi Zaheer - We Salute our Ghazi's

Captain Kaleem and Sipahi Zaheer, both got wounded in different operations. Both of them have lost their legs and yet they want to go back to the operational areas to fight till the last drop of their blood. This is the price our soldiers are paying just to make Pakistan safe and secure land for its citizens. We Salute our Ghazi's
Watch video of Captain Kaleem and Sipahi Zaheer - We Salute our Ghazi's submitted by Jazz on Apr 28, 2014. This video of Captain Kaleem and Sipahi Zaheer - We Salute our Ghazi's has total 3099 (three thousand and ninety-nine) Views on Captain Kaleem and Sipahi Zaheer - We Salute our Ghazi's .

Category: Pakistan

Jazz  |  Apr 28, 2014  |  3099 Views

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Captain Kaleem and Sipahi Zaheer - We Salute our Ghazi's