Captain Sher Khan Kargil Hero Acknowledged by India too

The video is based on the media clippings from an Indian news channel to mark the 15 years of Kargil conflict. It depicts the story from other side of the border. The story of Captain Kernel Sher Khan Shaheed Nishan-e-Haider, whose bravery, gallant and valor has forced the enemy to acknowledge him as a ‘Hero.’ The Indian army requested the Government of Pakistan to grant him the highest military award. Captain Sher Khan is a hero who engaged the enemy at Tiger Hill gave stiff resistance to the enemy and lay down his life for his motherland. His native town Waziristan is named after him. It is a code of honor among the soldiers who acknowledge bravery and valor no matter which country they fight for. The Indians also acknowledged the bravery of other Pakistani soldiers who lost their lives in the conflict.
Watch video of Captain Sher Khan Kargil Hero Acknowledged by India too submitted by shahzaib on Jul 23, 2014. This video of Captain Sher Khan Kargil Hero Acknowledged by India too has total 6029 (six thousand and twenty-nine) Views on Captain Sher Khan Kargil Hero Acknowledged by India too.

Category: Pakistan

shahzaib  |  Jul 23, 2014  |  6029 Views

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