Ghar Ko Abad Rakhain - Milli Naghma by Mujeeb Alam

Ghar Ko Abad Rakhain - Milli Naghma by Mujeeb Alam. This page covers video clip of the popular patriotic song that makes you spellbound with its amazing lyrics, Ghar ko Abad Rakhain by the soulful voice of Mujeeb Alam. This song gives the deep message of unity and dedication to make your homeland worth living for your future generations. You can listen, watch, and share this song on Independence Day online from the platform of HamariWeb. Dedicate the song to your fellow Pakistanis and celebrate Independence Day with zeal, and patriotism. Let’s pledge to make our homeland the place to live and die for.

Watch video of Ghar Ko Abad Rakhain - Milli Naghma by Mujeeb Alam submitted by Faraz on Aug 13, 2013. This video of Ghar Ko Abad Rakhain - Milli Naghma by Mujeeb Alam has total 3561 (three thousand five hundred and sixty-one) Views on Ghar Ko Abad Rakhain - Milli Naghma by Mujeeb Alam.

Category: Pakistan

Faraz  |  Aug 13, 2013  |  3561 Views

Latest Reviews & Comments

This songs sounds new please mention who sung this song I really liked it and I want to listen this song in my mp3 player and want to download this in it.

  • By Jabeen, Form Islamabad
  • On 31 Jul, 2015

Mujeeb alam is also our great legend in the history. This is the only patriotic song in the voice of him which is most popular.

  • By shahida, Form khi
  • On 12 Aug, 2014

I really miss my grand father he used to tell us story of his shifting from India to Pakistan, he died before a month ago. May Allah Rest his soul in Peace.

  • By Muneer, Form Karachi
  • On 06 Aug, 2014


National SongMilli NaghmaPatriotic SongMujeeb Alam