Hamara Parcham Yeh Pyara Parcham - Milli Naghma by Naheed AkhterWatch video of Hamara Parcham Yeh Pyara Parcham - Milli Naghma by Naheed Akhter submitted by Imran on Aug 13, 2013. This video of Hamara Parcham Yeh Pyara Parcham - Milli Naghma by Naheed Akhter has total 35289 (thirty-five thousand two hundred and eighty-nine) Views on Hamara Parcham Yeh Pyara Parcham - Milli Naghma by Naheed Akhter.
Imran  |  Aug 13, 2013  |  35289 Views
I wish all the Pakistan people happy independance day. This should be very important ocassion for us but people are forgetting this days now.
There is a great list of national songs in the voice of naheed akhtar in which this is the most favorite song of me due to its great voice.
The voice of naheed akhtar is very heart touching and patriotic, this is the only site here we see the original voice and original naghma.
All these Namgas are old very very old i am very sad that today we do not have new fresh Mili Nagma when we have Pakistan idol though