Wondering how PIA takes care of our luggage? Watch this video and you will come to know! Watch video of How PIA Handles Luggage submitted by Jazz on Oct 31, 2014. This video of How PIA Handles Luggage has total 7993 (seven thousand nine hundred and ninety-three) Views on How PIA Handles Luggage.
Jazz  |  Oct 31, 2014  |  7993 Views
These bull shit guys cannot handle there own luggage like rubbish way. Even if there is Fragile sticker, they are not bother to see by their stupid eyes.
this is not only pia this is just example of our system,every where is same like that even our politicians are throuing our problems same like that suits cases even they dont realize how valuable are our problems and how sensitive are our emotions same like stuff which is in these suits cases.