National Song,Milli Naghmay,National Song,Milli Nagma,Pakistani Milli Naghma,Milli Nagmay,Mili Naghma,Mili Nagma,Mili Nagmay PakistaniWatch video of Hum Tere Sipahi Hain submitted by Owais Mirza on Aug 03, 2016. This video of Hum Tere Sipahi Hain has total 4053 (four thousand and fifty-three) Views on Hum Tere Sipahi Hain.
Owais Mirza  |  Aug 03, 2016  |  4053 Views
I feel proud in our Pak Army and all the other forces of Pakistan. For the sake of Pakistan the role of Pak Army is very important, in this independence day we give the tribute to Pak Army.