Legacy from CJ of Common Man Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry Would be remembered. He is retiring today, Let’s see his Legacy will be followed by other CJ or Not.Watch video of Legacy from CJ of Common Man Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Ch.. submitted by saima30 on Dec 10, 2013. This video of Legacy from CJ of Common Man Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Ch.. has total 5431 (five thousand four hundred and thirty-one) Views on Legacy from CJ of Common Man Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Ch...
saima30  |  Dec 10, 2013  |  5431 Views
IFTIKHAR MUHAMMAD CHOUHADRY, has played his role as a real judge, may ALLAH subhan hoo taala reward him for his contribution to Pakistan.His name shall continue to shine in the judicial system of Pakistan. I also pray to ALLAH (SHT) to keep this tradition as a standard and routine matter in our justice system. Its humbly requested to taking over the HONOR ABLE chief justice of Pakistan to make sure that the precedence set by Iftkhar Muhammad Choudary are not kept only in practice but to refine or address those corners where some how were left by his predecessor. Like for example the real justice to common man is disposed by the honorable trial courts, which require lots attention of the NEW Chief Justice of Pakistan. If our judiciary could not resist insurmountable pressure of the successive governments i am afraid the all the efforts and the sacrifices given by all walks of our society would go waste.