Maon Ki Dua Poori Hui - Milli Naghma By AlamgirWatch video of Maon Ki Dua Poori Hui - Milli Naghma By Alamgir submitted by shahzaib on Aug 13, 2013. This video of Maon Ki Dua Poori Hui - Milli Naghma By Alamgir has total 59643 (fifty-nine thousand six hundred and forty-three) Views on Maon Ki Dua Poori Hui - Milli Naghma By Alamgir.
shahzaib  |  Aug 13, 2013  |  59643 Views
I knew that from this site I will get all latest videos of National song easily because HamariWeb is a good website that know how to make their visitor happy.
I never forget this naghma because when i was in class eight i sung this naghma in the function.
Many of the mothers loss their families and children for the struggle of independence, this naghma refers to those women who was the mother of the soldiers.
Alamgir sungs many patriotic songs in which i like this milli naghma because i also performed it in my school life.