Mery Dhool Sipaheeya Teeno Rab - Milli Naghma by Noor JahanWatch video of Mery Dhool Sipaheeya Teeno Rab - Milli Naghma by Noor Jahan submitted by Babar on Aug 13, 2013. This video of Mery Dhool Sipaheeya Teeno Rab - Milli Naghma by Noor Jahan has total 30864 (thirty thousand eight hundred and sixty-four) Views on Mery Dhool Sipaheeya Teeno Rab - Milli Naghma by Noor Jahan.
Babar  |  Aug 13, 2013  |  30864 Views
I would like to dedicate this beautiful song to our Pak Army Jawans. The voice of Madam Noor Jahan makes it worth listening every time. I would like to say that please love ur country forever.
Veer nise
You have a unique voice :)
Noor Jahan is always remain with us due to its unique voice, she sung many mili naghmas and i like every one.