Pakistan Earthquake, Ocean Uplift: UN Arms Treaty: F16 Drones: ..

A small video clip from Pakistan. A powerful earthquake has killed at least 328 people and wounded hundreds more in Pakistan's remote south-west province of Balochistan. The 7.7-magnitude quake struck on Tuesday afternoon at a depth of 20km (13 miles) northeast of Awaran, the US Geological Survey said. Many houses were flattened and thousands of people have spent the night in the open. After the quake, an island appeared off the coast near the port of Gwadar. Check it out.

Watch video of Pakistan Earthquake, Ocean Uplift: UN Arms Treaty: F16 Drones: .. submitted by Hina Javad on Sep 27, 2013. This video of Pakistan Earthquake, Ocean Uplift: UN Arms Treaty: F16 Drones: .. has total 1521 (one thousand five hundred and twenty-one) Views on Pakistan Earthquake, Ocean Uplift: UN Arms Treaty: F16 Drones: ...

Category: Pakistan

Hina Javad  |  Sep 27, 2013  |  1521 Views

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Pakistan Earthquake