Pakistan Idol is here to offer you an excellent chance to convert all your grand dreams, hopes and aspirations into a living reality. Since its beginning in 2001, the world’s most trendy singing reality show has enabled millions of dreamers to not only show their talent on a grand scale but also test their fate. You too can explore your potential and reach for the stars in the grandest reality contest of the country, PAKISTAN IDOL.WHO CAN BE A PAKISTAN IDOL?If you are between 15 to 30 years, have the talent to sing and the confidence to express yourself in a unique fashion then you can immediately register to audition for PAKISTAN IDOL. HOW CAN YOU BECOME A PAKISTAN IDOL?To register SMS IDOL (SPACE) CNIC# (SPACE) CITY and SEND to 436 (Rs. 5/- plus tax)Example: IDOL 1234-56789-0 KARACHIWatch video of Pakistan Idol Auditions 2013 Cities Dates, Time And Venue submitted by Jazz on Sep 22, 2013. This video of Pakistan Idol Auditions 2013 Cities Dates, Time And Venue has total 21472 (twenty-one thousand four hundred and seventy-two) Views on Pakistan Idol Auditions 2013 Cities Dates, Time And Venue.
Jazz  |  Sep 22, 2013  |  21472 Views
sir mujy kindly bata dejiya ga k pak audition kis date ko hona hy i have a lot of telent in naat
sir humy participate karna han
pakistan idiol kab hongy
when held the audition in Nawabshah time & place ?