You Need Wifi Router Device, second DC Connector, third Chargeable light, open the chargeable light now you can see the battery, take out he batteries, now you easily + and -. connect the wires with + and + out to TP link Device. see the light is turning now and its working now. tae the wires and join it to radio batters clip this wire little bit with the help of nail cutter so it will easily join. connect your wire. DC connector wires to your batteries. fix the batteries with connector again for checking. Rearrange the battery back into your charger light. now you have to make a specification place to your DC adopter charger into your chargeable case.Watch video of Pakistani Technology - By Touch Light Connect Wifi Router submitted by Jazz on May 17, 2014. This video of Pakistani Technology - By Touch Light Connect Wifi Router has total 8421 (eight thousand four hundred and twenty-one) Views on Pakistani Technology - By Touch Light Connect Wifi Router.
Jazz  |  May 17, 2014  |  8421 Views
Good job keep it up, fully appriciated to your crezy mind. weldone