Rameez Raja Blasts on Muhammad Yousaf for Criticizing National Hero's Watch video of Rameez Raja Blasts on Muhammad Yousaf for Criticizing National .. submitted by Nida Khan on Jan 11, 2014. This video of Rameez Raja Blasts on Muhammad Yousaf for Criticizing National .. has total 11500 (eleven thousand five hundred ) Views on Rameez Raja Blasts on Muhammad Yousaf for Criticizing National ...
Nida Khan  |  Jan 11, 2014  |  11500 Views
One should not be deceived by the apparent look of Muhammad Yousuf' because in fact he is a very dirty person.
Rameez Raja G ap is takrar ko chorin ur jazbat main na ain un ka kahna bhi ksi khad tak theek hy
Muhammad Yousaf my best hero.