Shaan Shahid's New Movie Trailer: Is It Dhoom 4 or Waar 2?. Its a trailer of Shaan' upcoming movie. It's trailer of 12 second which is mesmerizer. Shaan performing 360 degree stunt with Brazilian model on a bike.Watch video of Shaan Shahid's New Movie Trailer: Is It Dhoom 4 or Waar 2? submitted by Babar on Apr 07, 2014. This video of Shaan Shahid's New Movie Trailer: Is It Dhoom 4 or Waar 2? has total 19061 (nineteen thousand and sixty-one) Views on Shaan Shahid's New Movie Trailer: Is It Dhoom 4 or Waar 2?.
Babar  |  Apr 07, 2014  |  19061 Views
İ am weating new movies of shaan shahid . i am huge fan of shaan
I am waiting for Shaan Shahid's New Movie, i thought its a new one but its just commercial. I am very upset do any one know which new movie is coming by Shan Shahid