Watch video of Ab Itni Sadgi Laein Kahan Se submitted by Faraz on Feb 01, 2016. This video of Ab Itni Sadgi Laein Kahan Se has total 7013 (seven thousand and thirteen) Views on Ab Itni Sadgi Laein Kahan Se.
Faraz  |  Feb 01, 2016  |  7013 Views
I got the personal diary by Parveen Shakir from the Library where I got the all old poetries by Parveen SHakir which felt me really good
She is the very nice naat khwaan and her many naats has the beautiful wording which she create from own words
she had made her mark as a poet of substance through mushairas, radio and television appearances. Her first collection, Khushboo,was amazing.
In her wording has many beautiful feelings are hidden which I understand because I am really eager to read the many poetries