“Mera Bilawal Beta” said by Tanveer Zamani (Zardari’s Second wife)Watch video of “Mera Bilawal Beta” said by Tanveer Zamani (Zardari’s Second wi.. submitted by Jazz on Aug 28, 2012. This video of “Mera Bilawal Beta” said by Tanveer Zamani (Zardari’s Second wi.. has total 13931 (thirteen thousand nine hundred and thirty-one) Views on “Mera Bilawal Beta” said by Tanveer Zamani (Zardari’s Second wi...
Jazz  |  Aug 28, 2012  |  13931 Views
Like to watch the funny Bilawal Bhutto videos on this source, here I can get large collections of his speeches and mimicry which I really enjoyed due to the unique accent of him.
we can just enjoy the scandels of our beloved leader, because pakistani nation have been deid,