A female caller thrashes Marvi in a show, calls her crap hopper in return Marvi labels her as a PTI troll. Watch video of A female caller thrashes Marvi in a show, calls her crap hopper.. submitted by shahzaib on Dec 24, 2013. This video of A female caller thrashes Marvi in a show, calls her crap hopper.. has total 4307 (four thousand three hundred and seven) Views on A female caller thrashes Marvi in a show, calls her crap hopper...
shahzaib  |  Dec 24, 2013  |  4307 Views
yes I agreed Marvi has no political back ground and integrity with any party she always look her intrust and benefits she never do any thing for poor Pakistani people.
Marvi deserve more than this, what Sadaf said about Marvi is too little, because Marvi herself is a just aloud of crap........!!!