Banay Ga Naya Pakistan | Attaullah Khan Esakhelvi | PTI Election SongWatch video of Banay Ga Naya Pakistan | Attaullah Khan Esakhelvi | PTI Electio.. submitted by Faraz on Apr 12, 2013. This video of Banay Ga Naya Pakistan | Attaullah Khan Esakhelvi | PTI Electio.. has total 168214 (one hundred and sixty-eight thousand two hundred and fourteen) Views on Banay Ga Naya Pakistan | Attaullah Khan Esakhelvi | PTI Electio...
Faraz  |  Apr 12, 2013  |  168214 Views
PTI Will Win This Election and form Govt. Hope for Best
Khan is our proud,,,
Pti zinda bad imran khan is gnus leadr all of world
becaouse of ata ula song i love pti jeo pti waly inshaallaha god gives u success amen