Watch video of Front Line With Kamran Shahid Barrister Saif & Talal Bugti Abuse submitted by shahzaib on Feb 15, 2012. This video of Front Line With Kamran Shahid Barrister Saif & Talal Bugti Abuse has total 8018 (eight thousand and eighteen) Views on Front Line With Kamran Shahid Barrister Saif & Talal Bugti Abuse.
shahzaib  |  Feb 15, 2012  |  8018 Views
Well done Saif. There are few people in this country who have the courage to call a thief a thief. This was not about Balochistan, it was about putting an idiot in his place who falsly thinks he represents balochistan.
o bhai ye wo log hain jinhon ne bani e atem dr qadeer khan ko nahi bakhsha dr qadeer jese log roz roz peda nahi hote ye kis moon se baten karte hain ye kia mulak ko bachaen ge.
In defense of saif talal started it. Talal did wrong and saif retaliated.
shame on saif as on kamran shahid