Even 40 years after the tragedy of East Pakistan, which was an outcome of the blunders of our government, we have just not learnt the bitter but vital lessons and continue to follow that line, be it the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata), Balochistan or Khyber Pakhtunkhwa" - Speech by Imran Khan on the launch of the book 'Escape from Oblivion' by Major (retd) Ikram Sehgal (Publisher: Oxford University Press) at PC Hotel in Karachi on 11th July 2012Watch video of Imran Khan Speech - Have we learned anything from the tragedy o.. submitted by Ali Shah on Jul 31, 2012. This video of Imran Khan Speech - Have we learned anything from the tragedy o.. has total 2279 (two thousand two hundred and seventy-nine) Views on Imran Khan Speech - Have we learned anything from the tragedy o...
Ali Shah  |  Jul 31, 2012  |  2279 Views
Pakistan need change with Imran Khan.
imran one gift for pakistani nation if pakistani did not use him that well be bead luck he is turlly hanst gay he stick to his cammemant seme on us the begast theff is our prasedant and louck that shreef famlly thy thing pak his propety so forget about his speech pll dont luss him he is man who well make this beutifull cauntry great