Imran Khan Vs Sheikh Rasheed [ Some OLD Memories ]Watch video of Imran Khan Vs Sheikh Rasheed [ Some OLD Memories ] submitted by Jazz on Aug 09, 2012. This video of Imran Khan Vs Sheikh Rasheed [ Some OLD Memories ] has total 5285 (five thousand two hundred and eighty-five) Views on Imran Khan Vs Sheikh Rasheed [ Some OLD Memories ].
Jazz  |  Aug 09, 2012  |  5285 Views
Imran Khan has made the biggest ever mistake of his whole political carreer by taking Sh Rasheed in his party. Now PTI can be proud of having biggest collection of LOTTAS after PPP. The name of PTI should now be changed to PLI (Pakistan LOTTA Ittehad) coz all LOttaes and all Lotereas have joined hand together.
aj ye hi sab mla hoa han , ye awam ko nacha raha han.