Malik Riaz Planted Interview with Mehar Bukhari and Mubashir Luqman on Dunya tvWatch video of Malik Riaz Planted Interview Part 1 submitted by Jazz on Jun 14, 2012. This video of Malik Riaz Planted Interview Part 1 has total 7422 (seven thousand four hundred and twenty-two) Views on Malik Riaz Planted Interview Part 1.
Jazz  |  Jun 14, 2012  |  7422 Views
GOD BLESS OUR JUDISARY OUR FEW JUSDICE WHO R STANDING AGAINST CORRUPT AND WELL ORGANISED DONS. A FRIEND TOLD ME THAT WHEN MOTHER MONKEY,S FEET BURNS SHE STANDS ON HER OWN BABIES TO SAVE HERSELF, THOSE PEOPLECAN RUIN THE WHOLE COUNTRY,S SYSTEM BUT SAVE OURSELVES. I,M SO WORRY ABOUT CHIEF JUISTICE AND HIS FAMILY,S LIVES. YA ALLAH FORGIVE US SAVE OUR GOOD PEOPLE TO THESE CULPRITS. Oh, i have seen this planted vedio, really i am very much up set, Oh Allah forgive us, and save us from these evils. We have forgotton the path of Islam. Allah you are the only who can protect my country from these basterds, Luqman and Bukhari and bleedy bastered Malik you people have no right to live on this Pak zameen.
mr mubasher luqman sb ap to hamarey nazdeek frishta seerat insan they aap ko kiya huwa ooh shit. very sad hamen yaqeen hi nahi aaya k aap itna neechey gir sakty ho, tammam TV anchors me aap hamarey ideal they, mager shayed hamen ye patta nahi tha k akser ooqat frishta sift chehroon k peechhy kitny makrooh chehrey hotey hen i can,t believe it, kash ham ne aap ko ithna achha na jana hota aap ne hamara maan tor diya hi. i , am very sory for this unlucky chair that u have, very very sad moment for us.
so sad--shame on the dirty faces of black sheep in pakistan-media
dunya news and mubashar luqman khape khape khape.yar ye malak riaz zardari ka bhai lagta khape punjabi wala ha.