Nawaz Sharif and his Family Exposed LIVE by Mubashir Lucman with Full Evidences ! Must Watch Watch video of Nawaz Shareef Exposed submitted by saima30 on Nov 04, 2011. This video of Nawaz Shareef Exposed has total 6242 (six thousand two hundred and forty-two) Views on Nawaz Shareef Exposed.
saima30  |  Nov 04, 2011  |  6242 Views
tum ko sirif or siref mqm nai nowaze shareef ko neecha dikhana k liy rakha howa hai kabi isi tera altaf husain ko bi on kia kero lanat hai tum per
The Corruptions by Nawaz Sharif's son Hussain Nawaz exposed in this video are of small magnitude, where the Corruptions by Nawaz Sharif and Shebaz Sharif in Pakistan exposed by Mr. Manzar Ghani Chaudhry, Advocate, in his book entitled 'Pakistan Lootnay Mein Kis Ka Kitna Hath' are of giagantic magnitude. I am displaying a specimen of Nawaz Family's corruptions just now on - see it.
Bulshit, this is all negitive propaganda. Unfortunately media is all about to get prominent in public. We have seen every thing by Mubashir but could you let other to explain
Nawaz shareef ghatiya insaan.