Watch video of No one clapped ,Zardari clapped by himself during speech. LOL submitted by shahzaib on Dec 27, 2011. This video of No one clapped ,Zardari clapped by himself during speech. LOL has total 5949 (five thousand nine hundred and forty-nine) Views on No one clapped ,Zardari clapped by himself during speech. LOL.
shahzaib  |  Dec 27, 2011  |  5949 Views
such an ASS.......Zardari ........ you will pay for all your sins within your life time........ you are such an betrayed your country, party and most of all what can some one expect from a person who betrayed his family..... You are such an ASS....... you should be hanged in front of Public after showering you with old shoes.....such as ASS......... I dont know how you wake up every morning and look yourself in the mirror....such an ASS...... M.Khan
shame on you zardari !
besti ji nai ho gai hahahahah :P
I murdered my wife with help from Bayiman Malk & Barbar Awan , I am immune to criticism as I have a donkey's coat so you can say what you like, I don't care. Bhuttooooooo Zinda hai.