PTI 23rd 2013 March Lahore Jalsa (Meeting) Live, Watch Imran Khan Chairman Pakistan Tahreek e Insaf speech live streaming from Minar e Pakistan.Watch video of PTI 23rd March Lahore Jalsa Live submitted by saima30 on Mar 22, 2013. This video of PTI 23rd March Lahore Jalsa Live has total 10503 (ten thousand five hundred and three) Views on PTI 23rd March Lahore Jalsa Live.
saima30  |  Mar 22, 2013  |  10503 Views
after hearing his jalsa....a person will be a fool to vote for Nawaz shariff instead of The Great Khan.!!! Imran Khan we are with u :)
I would like to believe in this can tell the difference when someone means what he says, this was definitely a feel good moment
Well I myself think that Imran Khan can bring change or at east he could work as the one who spearheaded the change in the country. He could cope with corruption, malfunctioning, dirty politics etc etc but would he be able to control the ever growing moral corruption and the lack of will among the masses to return to the life in accordance with the religion on whose name this country was created without forgetting those hundreds and thousands of people sacrificed everything. I wish him all the best!
The only party in Pakistan which cares for Pakistanis, unlike other parties cares for their families.... the only best option now is PTI ,,, inshaAllah PTI will wn