Woman presents her Bangles to Rangers & PoliceWatch video of Woman presents her Bangles to Rangers & Police submitted by saima30 on May 14, 2013. This video of Woman presents her Bangles to Rangers & Police has total 11655 (eleven thousand six hundred and fifty-five) Views on Woman presents her Bangles to Rangers & Police.
saima30  |  May 14, 2013  |  11655 Views
Shame to Army, how they can protect while they have to watch indian channels most of the time
Ya ach bat nahi hai jab ya Shaheed hota hai to ko inka garha guldasta laker jata hai kasi ko to on Shaheed ka name tak be nahi pat hota.pak rangers Zindabad
Poor lady - she is in real trouble but she does not know Army is always called in crises and when Army complete their control we called them DICTATOR ruin the country - we need Democracy and again we call Army for SOS - ALLAH is the only source to save our country.
i want only ps 93 result pls confirm me