Watch video of Qutb Online 10th December 2014 by Bilal Qutb on Wednesday at Sa.. submitted by Saba on Dec 10, 2014. This video of Qutb Online 10th December 2014 by Bilal Qutb on Wednesday at Sa.. has total 2093 (two thousand and ninety-three) Views on Qutb Online 10th December 2014 by Bilal Qutb on Wednesday at Sa...
Saba  |  Dec 10, 2014  |  2093 Views
I request to bilal qutub kindly share public queries in this program because many peoples wants to know about some issues in this program.
Oh, last time i watched the ghost house in this program by bilal qutub in which he meet with the family where some thing wrong, my believe is also increase after watched this show.
What about your opinion about the peshawar attack in the light of islam? Mostly i watch the episodes of this program in this site, he bring such a new topic in this show.