Watch video of Qutb Online 13th November 2014 by Bilal Qutb on Thursday at Sam.. submitted by Saba on Nov 13, 2014. This video of Qutb Online 13th November 2014 by Bilal Qutb on Thursday at Sam.. has total 2329 (two thousand three hundred and twenty-nine) Views on Qutb Online 13th November 2014 by Bilal Qutb on Thursday at Sam...
Saba  |  Nov 13, 2014  |  2329 Views
is not this kuffar that kutab tells people their future ,that don't merry her or him , it will destroy u astagferullah from jahil aalim and jahil listners
bilal qutab is very negative person in advicing don't listen to him for all ur problems