Watch video of 'Najaiz Talaq Dainay Wala' Most Powerfull Bayan By Maulana Tari.. submitted by Jazz on May 20, 2016. This video of 'Najaiz Talaq Dainay Wala' Most Powerfull Bayan By Maulana Tari.. has total 1697 (one thousand six hundred and ninety-seven) Views on 'Najaiz Talaq Dainay Wala' Most Powerfull Bayan By Maulana Tari...
Jazz  |  May 20, 2016  |  1697 Views
Maulana Tariq Jameel have an ability to transfer the message of truth in a very lovely way that is why I listen his many of the bayan which is very helpful for us.